mercoledì 7 marzo 2012

riparare installazione info su ubuntu

Le ultime versioni di Ubuntu hanno un difetto nell'installazione di info, dice che non trova il nodo top.
Su questo blog (grazie all'autore!) ho trovato la soluzione:

1) modificare /usr/sbin/update-info-dir aggiungendo
unset LANG #
dopo unset LANGUAGE
2) sudo update-info-dir

venerdì 2 marzo 2012

agcc: android compiler

Ho trovato qui uno script molto utile per cross-compilare per android.
L'ho adattato per android-ndk-r7b

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

# XXX: Change this to point to your ndk install
my $NDK = '/opt/android-ndk-r7b';

# Copyright 2008, Andrew Ross
# Distributable under the terms of the GNU GPL, see COPYING for details

# UPDATE: 6 Jul 2011.  Changed paths around to work with
# android-ndk-r5c-linux-x86.tar.bz2.

# The Android toolchain is ... rough.  Rather than try to manage the
# complexity directly, this script wraps the tools into an "agcc" that
# works a lot like a gcc command line does for a native platform or a
# properly integrated cross-compiler.  It accepts arbitrary arguments,
# but interprets the following specially:
# -E/-S/-c/-shared - Enable needed arguments (linker flags, include
#                    directories, runtime startup objects...) for the
#                    specified compilation mode when building under
#                    android.
# -O<any> - Turn on the optimizer flags used by the Dalvik build.  No
#           control is provided over low-level optimizer flags.
# -W<any> - Turn on the warning flags used by the Dalvik build.  No
#           control is provided over specific gcc warning flags.
# Notes:
# + The prebuilt arm-linux-androideabi-gcc from a built (!) android source
#   directory must be on your PATH.
# + All files are compiled with -fPIC to an ARMv5TE target.  No
#   support is provided for thumb.
# + No need to pass a "-Wl,-soname" argument when linking with
#   -shared, it uses the file name always (so don't pass a directory in
#   the output path for a shared library!)

my $ALIB = "$NDK/platforms/android-8/arch-arm";
my $TOOLCHAIN = "$NDK/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3";
my $PREBUILT  = "$TOOLCHAIN/prebuilt/linux-x86";

my $LDSCRIPTS = "$PREBUILT/arm-linux-androideabi/lib/ldscripts/";

my @include_paths = (

my @preprocess_args = (
    "-D__ARM_ARCH_5TE__", # Already defined by toolchain
    # "-include", "$DROID/system/core/include/arch/linux-arm/AndroidConfig.h",

my @warn_args = (
    "-Wno-unused", # why?
    "-Wno-multichar", # why?
    "-Wstrict-aliasing=2"); # Implicit in -Wall per texinfo

my @compile_args = (
    "-funwind-tables", # static exception-like tables
    "-fstack-protector", # check guard variable before return
    "-fmessage-length=0"); # No line length limit to error messages

my @optimize_args = (
    "-frerun-cse-after-loop", # Implicit in -O2 per texinfo
    "-fstrict-aliasing", # Implicit in -O2 per texinfo

my @link_args = (

# Also need: -Wl,-soname,
my @shared_args = (
    "-Wl,--whole-archive"); # .a, .o input files go *after* here

# Now implement a quick parser for a gcc-like command line

my %MODES = ("-E"=>1, "-c"=>1, "-S"=>1, "-shared"=>1);

my $mode = "DEFAULT";
my $out;
my $warn = 0;
my $opt = 0;
my @args = ();
my $have_src = 0;
while(@ARGV) {
    my $a = shift;
    if(defined $MODES{$a}) {
die "Can't specify $a and $mode" if $mode ne "DEFAULT";
$mode = $a;
    } elsif($a eq "-o") {
die "Missing -o argument" if !@ARGV;
die "Duplicate -o argument" if defined $out;
$out = shift;
    } elsif($a =~ /^-W.*/) {
$warn = 1;
    } elsif($a =~ /^-O.*/) {
$opt = 1;
    } else {
if($a =~ /\.(c|cpp|cxx)$/i) { $have_src = 1; }
push @args, $a;

my $need_cpp = 0;
my $need_compile = 0;
my $need_link = 0;
my $need_shlink = 0;
if($mode eq "DEFAULT") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = $need_link = 1; }
if($mode eq "-E") { $need_cpp = 1; }
if($mode eq "-c") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = 1; }
if($mode eq "-S") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = 1; }
if($mode eq "-shared") { $need_shlink = 1; }

if($have_src and $mode ne "-E") { $need_cpp = $need_compile = 1; }

# Assemble the command:
my @cmd = ("arm-linux-androideabi-gcc");
if($mode ne "DEFAULT") { @cmd = (@cmd, $mode); }
if(defined $out) { @cmd = (@cmd, "-o", $out); }
if($need_cpp) { @cmd = (@cmd, @include_paths, @preprocess_args); }
    @cmd = (@cmd, @compile_args);
    if($warn) { @cmd = (@cmd, @warn_args); }
    if($opt) { @cmd = (@cmd, @optimize_args); }
if($need_shlink) { @cmd = (@cmd, @shared_args); }
@cmd = (@cmd, @args);
if($need_link) { @cmd = (@cmd, @link_args); }

print join(" ", @cmd), "\n"; # Spit it out if you're curious

giovedì 23 febbraio 2012

Problemi con le console testuali in ubuntu 11.xx

Nelle ultime versioni di Ubuntu le console testuali (CTRL-ALT-F1..F6) non funzionano.
Ho risolto così:

In /etc/default/grub:
